
I could make you want me

Zephyr I


10 Years
01-15-2017, 12:46 AM
They'd gone through too much to throw it all away. The fact that Zephyr had thought Caelum had been so willing to run - he'd seen her leave their home, after all, though later she'd said she was simply chasing one of the attackers - had made him angry back then. Angry enough to end it all, forever, by blaming her and hurting her enough to make her run away again. He didn't know then, or now, if he had intended for that to be their last meeting. Now, though.. making her leave now seemed like it might be far more painful than he could have anticipated.

He didn't know where to go from here, but it seemed like she had a better idea than he did. Since when had she gotten such.. confidence again? Though both of them seemed uncertain, but she seemed together in a way he hadn't seen in such a long time. He'd always been envious of how things seemed to come so naturally to her, though she could likely say the same about him. What he was less surprised by was the fact that her words seemed to wound her, slightly, despite his intentions otherwise. It was true - things were easier without her. They hadn't been for a long time, but now they were and if she disappeared again things would once again go back to being simple.

She seemed to have faith in him though that he wasn't just trying to hurt her. The next thing he knew, she leaned and lifted a paw to his chest, with a gentle laugh. The sound was like music to his ears. Zephyr found the smallest smile tugging at his own lips, and for a moment he felt as though he'd gone back in time a few years and everything was back to how it had once been. He knew it was far from true. The past couldn't be erased, no more than it could be altered, but it was nice to pretend for a moment.

A soft murmur fell from his lips at her words, and he found his tail swatting gently at the ground he sat upon.  "Caelum's a pretty name," he offered, voice far more smooth than he intended. Zephyr, too, tried to remember the exact day they'd first met. They'd been so young and full of life then - any reenactment of that would pale terribly in comparison. Though he couldn't remember the exact words said that day, he did remember how she'd made him feel. He'd been drawn to her the first day they'd met; how could he ever forget that feeling? "Just alright, hm?" He'd ask after a moment, amusement flashing in his eyes as he studied her, pulling back slightly. "Do you dare trust yourself in the company of a stranger who is merely... alright?" Zephyr asked, his voice full of light jest now.  "What if I lead you astray on this exploration you speak of?"  The male rose a single brow in inquiry, wondering how she might react.. and feeling as though some of the burden of the past had been temporarily lifted from his shoulders, if but for a moment.