
I do nothing but wander.

White Tooth

01-15-2017, 03:25 AM
Spring, Year 9.

It seemed that my trails had come to an end around here, or at least I believed it had, although I had been wrong about my assumptions before. I had walked tirelessly from the South to the Northern reaches of these lands, my paws had become raw from the diffraction of terrain that I had passed through. However, pain was nothing new to me. With my aging I had become quite mature, I didn’t find time for petty goals… Being a king was one of them. In these lands such a thing just wasn’t attainable, wolves weren’t respected for their royal blood. A crown was something that had to be fought for, something that was achieved with tooth and nail. With my lack of friends I had found myself falling into a deep depression, one that I wasn’t entirely sure I could pull myself out of. As I had traveled to the Northern areas of Boreas I had taken a liking to the patch of Pine trees I had stumbled upon, the things towered well above my head... Stormer always loved Pine trees. The Isle was full of them, we wolves always admired them for their constant green state. They never died. They never ceased to exist. The ground beneath me was turned into utter mush as the warming sun had melted the grip of winter away over a rising temperature, I certainly enjoyed winter more than spring however. When things died off, it meant a new start, a new beginning for everything... Oh, gods, what I would give up to have a new start. To begin again, hell, to be born again. With everything that I stood for I could not seem to find a way to get a new start however, although I had it here. Mentally my past followed me everywhere I turned, no matter where it was that I went, I never failed to find myself thinking of things that had happened to me. Wither it was the loss of my lover, or the banishing from my own father. As the season began to heat up our little corner of the earth I once again found my pelt itching due to the shedding of my winter coat, I couldn’t wait to rid myself of all the damn fur. Gods, I always put on such a thick coat. Even when it was fall, when it was still warm, I put on a downy coat of a large length. My fur always seemed to flow freely during the fall and winter months, but during the summer it was short and stood erect. Spring meant the breeding season, which meant pups… A family. I wanted that more than anything, I had always wanted children however I found myself becoming blind with the desire for power. Only now after losing everything I stood for had I realized what was truly important, only now did I truly see myself settling down with another. All of a sudden power meant nothing, and family meant EVERYTHING. I had one goal in mind, and that was procreation.