
We're just kids being kids


01-15-2017, 07:24 AM

Delicate paws graced the land as the night fell upon it. Of course there were more than just one set of paws. Only a foot to the left of the first set were those of a much lighter being. The heavier set brought forth a feminine scent laced with that of rainforest, a home she had come from. It was a land far from here one of tall trees and seemingly endless rain. A home she no longer found to be such.

The second set was that of a felid male, light and small. His pelt covered in overly large spots. There needn't be words between the pair. They understood each other easily. There was a bond that couldn't be broken between them. Though they had no need for words they still spoke. Their voices soft and hushed in the night. The sound of crickets accompanied their voices and fireflies lit their path. Their forms were captured with the soft flickering of firefly abdomins. "Hey Jett, you think we should stop for the night?" the voice from the female was soft and held a slight accent to it, though it wasn't bad enough one could guess her right away. "What already Zenny? What it past your bed time already?" the smirk on his lips at his teasing of her was evident. He got an immense amount of joy from getting under other's skin. Though getting under Zen's skin was a challenge he had yet to conquer. She was extremely patient and calm so it was harder, though he still tried.

She gave a small giggle at his words. They were filled with such snark that it was undeniably him. It was what made him up. His blue eyes connected to her deep purple eyes from the side as they walked. Her mouth curved up in a smile as their eyes connected. He should know better but of course he would keep trying anyway. "You could of just said no." with that silence settled between them once again as they skirted around the lake.

It was only just a dream