
man down



9 Years
01-15-2017, 08:44 AM

The silence was soon broken as her ears picked up the sound of another body jumping down from the rock. Her muscles tensed unsure of what was before her, for all she knew it could be some large beast aiming to kill her. The low rumbling voice then hit her ears and she relaxed a bit, another wolf was all that it was. He had dropped the body of the bird and her feet. She winced at the words sorrow suddenly hit her as she realized what the male had said. Lowering her head she gently touched the lifeless body with her nose before sighing. Holding back her mourning for her friend until she would return home to the safety of the pack. Her thoughts were more concerned about this male before her and how in the world she would find home when she suddenly felt so helpless.

Lifting her head as her ears gently pinned against her skull. How could she blame him, he didn't know what Jack was to her. She had always worried about him being mistaken for a meal, but she had always been lucky that it hadn't happened, now it had and she wasn't sure what to do. She figured now she better head home quickly, despite normally being friendly she just felt urgent to get home and to give her friend a proper burial.

"I must return home to bury him" she said softly not blaming the male or angry with him for what he had done. Nor did she really feel like staying and talking, she wanted out of here and to be alone to mourn.

With a vary soft grip the female gently picked up her companion in her mouth, ears still gently pinned to her skull. She turned away from the male and began to leave.

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times