
I just wanna break this crown

Rœkia T


4 Years
01-15-2017, 11:19 AM

Rœkia carefully eyed the stranger, sizing her up and deciding she wasn't to worried. If anything she was quick and felt confident she could outrun the other if it came down to it… or of course fight. Rœkia certainly had the capability but she preferred not to risk injury. Blood loss and scars were always such a downer. She lingered by the doorway, her lithe frame pressed lightly against it as she gazed in. She felt Wolf stirring on her back and he hopped down onto the floor, stretching up lightly as he gazed at the pale puff ball of young feathers. He hadn't seen another magpie in quite some time and found the young bird intriguing.

"Hello to you. I don't have any sugar."

Rœkia held her grin, pleased that the other was a good sport. Perhaps she'd found a kindred soul of sorts? "Aww… pity. It was worth a shot though. Are you here to gathering containers as well?" She shifted the pack on her back, wondering if the woman was competition for the treasures here though she supposed she had enough jars to get her started.

Wolf continued to gaze at the other bird. "You are a magpie, yes? Your coloring…. you are good luck. " He nodded approvingly. Rœkia ignored her companion, the weird little pale puffball was unusual but she couldn't imagine what use he'd serve beyond a snack though maybe the stranger was raising a magpie from an early age so it would be more obedient than her boisterous Wolf.

"Dinner? I'm surprised there's anything to eat on this rust bucket."

"Talk" Wolf Think