
Tell me what you dream about



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-15-2017, 04:56 PM
The stranger, at first glance, seemed surprised at her presence. She was surprised too, but was more curious than anything else.  The fog not only obscured one's vision, but also their other senses. His scent hardly touched her nose when he came within lunging distance, and she certainly had not heard him moving either. Eyelids would squint as she struggled to get a better view of him.  "Hi," Ásvor offered in simple reply, taking a few steps closer to him.

He said he wasn't having a bad time. 'Is that the same thing?' The girl offered a slow shrug, not sure what exactly he was asking. What she did know was that this certainly didn't appear to be fun. She was only wandering through these area to find something better to do. The fog served little purpose other than slowing her down. The girl shifted her weight from one side of her body to the other, both red-tipped ears flicking idly as he spoke of the possibility of a storm. "I.. don't know," she breathed quietly, slipping a bit closer - aiming to head toward him and stand somewhere in front of her, merely feet away now.

It was easier to see him through the fog now, a boy nearly her size with the strangest colored eyes she'd ever seen. They were quite lovely to look at - had she ever met someone with eyes that were such a green? Interest shone in her own stare, the right corner of her mouth twitching upward in the faintest shadow of a smirk. "Why? Do you think it might?" Her voice betrayed genuine interest. She'd learned a bit about herbs now, but nothing about the weather. Perhaps this fog was a precursor to storms? She really didn't know.