
Unsteady Return


06-23-2013, 04:40 PM

Out of all the wolves she had treated in the past, Ashtoreth, was one of the few that she would remember later on with a smile. The lass wasn?t a complainer, and did what Eris instructed, without a fuss. She watched carefully as the young wolf maneuvered herself into the stream, and sat down, extending her injured leg for the water to flow freely around it. She could visibly see as the tension seemed to flee the grey warrior, which brought a smile to her jaws. As Astorerth soaked, she moved away towards the clump of marigold, and sat to work breaking off the stems and leaves, working it into a poultice with her jaws and paws. Pausing in her work, as her patient admitted that she didn?t know any healers, her head tilted as she thought.

?Perhaps, if you like, once I apply this poultice to your leg, you can call for your alpha. If they agree, I wouldn?t mind staying on the border until, you?re healed and coming to treat you daily. If I?m doing that much traipsing over the border, I would like them to be awares, however.? She finished with a slight chuckle. She truly didn?t mind lingering near Valhalla, the pack was fair and just- and if a wolf needed her assistance, she would always help. It wasn?t in her nature to walk away from another who needed her assistance, she always would stay. It?s who she was.

Several more moments passed, and Eris assumed the chilly water would possibly begin to bother the other wolf. ?You can get out now, if you like. The poultice is ready.? He words would fall as a request, not a command. Idly she wondered if the feverfew, was holding any affect over the grey wolf, it wouldn?t harm her to have more, though Eris wasn?t one to pack a wolf down with painkillers. Pain was a good gauge, as to how the injury was healing, and a necessary tool.
