
What's My Name?



6 Years

01-16-2017, 01:17 AM

The damsel had gotten so focused on offering her bell that she forgot about their hunt for mint. Oh right! It would look nice, add more colours to the already growing offering. She had a hard time ripping her eyes away from her precious, broken bell. Perhaps his sprites would have more use of it than she did. With a sigh she leaned down to brush her nose across it one last time before completely pulling away. Mint, mint. It would probably be by the dried river bed, and she turned to the browning stoat. He was closer to the ground and could probably find it a lot faster than the two of them. She nodded for him to lead the way, following a few steps before turning back to Kaecious. "Shall we?" she asked. She did want to explore the area a bit anyways, her paws were itching to move already.

Following the weasel, the female took the chance to glance around the area quickly. Aside from the dried river bed, the only thing she could really see was the rolling hills of the knolls. They were covered in short grasses that had already started to sprout across the gentle roll of the hills. It would be nice to climb up on top of the tallest one around to see everything around them. But their task right now was finding some more offerings. Sniffing at the air again, another smell crossed her nose completely. What the heck was that? Her head tilted to the side as she moved with practice ease, stilling her bells so that she made no sound at all. Turning around one of the knolls, a large herd of... something, showed up. She quickly expelled a breath, her eyes wide as she looked at the massive creatures. Giet was moving through them without a care, obvious intent on the mint they were looking for. Jaelle's legs felt stuck though, peeking over at her guest with her flabbergasted look. "What are those?"


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.