
Back Door to Freedom {AW}



6 Years

01-16-2017, 01:35 AM

She didn't mind that he was so excited, she would be the same if she ever ran into someone who spoke Dutch. She hadn't been able to speak her favorite language for... oh man, it had been years now. Her ears flickered as she sympathized with him, it was hard to go through life like that. Stretching out her front legs, she looked behind her at the painted walls and wanted to look at them more. There were so many twists and turns, but after she lost light it would be hard to pick off images off the walls. Flicking her gaze to the wall across from her she squinted at the strange art, looking back to Vincenzo when he spoke again. She laughed softly at his words, it was quite clear how thankful he was that she spoke Italian. "Olandese, e no. Sono passati anni da quando mi sono imbattuto in lupo che lo parla come me. Non è proprio la mia lingua nato, la lingua comune è, ma è stato il mio più appreso uno." His offering to learn it really did make her smile, he was so sweet. "Che ne dici di lavorare sulla lingua comune, e poi ci espanderemo?" She was teasing him of course, it wasn't like his English was impossible to understand. A bit broken, but it was easy enough to understand what he was going on about.

When the question switched to Vyper, she shrugged her shoulders in a casual manner. "Da quando è nato, ma io a differenza di essere bloccato. Sono entrato per un amico, ma trascorrendo la maggior parte del mio tempo in viaggio. Inverno mi ha fatto intrappolato così sto cercando di ottenere insetti fuori delle mie zampe." Her nose wrinkled when she heard herself, that wasn't exactly what she was trying to say. "E 'come un prurito che non può essere graffi, sai?" Okay so maybe she was a little more than rusty... but it was good to practice! It wasn't every day that she ran into others that even spoke more than the more common language.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.