
Spring Greetings



5 Years
01-16-2017, 01:35 PM

Spring once again and this time the young male's confidence in his life had sky rocketed. He had such good luck so far that his doubts had disappeared and he was ready to continue with his life. As soon as it had warmed up Jackson through himself into work, first by taking inventory of where he had stored things before winter. Stocks were used over the winter which was good, but they hadn't been cleaned out which proved that the winter hadn't been so hard and he had prepared beautifully.

He had also started to trail the herd again, which had returned to the lush vegetation of the pack lands. Soon he would be calling a pack hunt together especially with the bad news over the winter. The head hunter and her mate had been killed, their children orphaned. He wanted to be sure the children were properly fed and wanted to find out who exactly they were living with right now. He would continue to step up his game and get the pack fed, He hadn't known Bright Moon vary well, but he was sure that she would want him to amp up his game and bury himself in his work to take over feeding the pack.

The call was expected and it made the young male's tail wag. Grinning as he stared at the three fat rabbits he had caught. Three rabbits for the orphaned children. Picking the critters up in his mouth by the years that male quickly made his way to the meeting. When he arrived he made a straight shot to his uncle and dropped the rabbits at his feet.

"I got a fat rabbit for each of Bright Moon's children. I wasn't sure which den they were staying in so I'll leave them with you?" he said before stepping back.

He moved back away from his Uncle, greeted Heather with a smile and wag of his tail before settling in a spot ready for the meeting.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

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[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]