
fire in his eyes



6 Years
Extra large

01-16-2017, 01:37 PM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2017, 05:49 PM by Elias.)

The sheer amount of hatred behind her eyes as she stood up and barked out her claims made his blood soar through his veins with newfound energy. The way anger seethed from her form and inspired her to try to take the male left something in the air that he found utterly delicious. Through a crooked grin, the male flicked his tongue out past his teeth as a snarl ripped through his throat. He anticipated her attack, his toes digging into the ground beneath him as he practically begged for her to let all of her rage out on him.

When she barreled forward, a sound most wicked bubbled out of him in the form of a low laugh. His inky lips exposed the red of his gums nearly ear to ear, his thick and yellowed teeth clenched tight and yet still not tight enough to hold back the sheer amount of saliva this little interaction was causing him to release. It rolled down the slopes of his fangs and flung from off his chin as he suddenly worked his flexible body to hop to his left and out of reach of her seeking teeth. Knowing that she was mad enough to do as much damage to him as she could inflict was something that the beast inside of him fed on so ravenously he felt nearly starved by all of his past interactions. His heart lied dormant within his chest, no compassion at all beating through his veins as his violent desires filled him to the brim.

He was done playing.

She seemed adamant about attacking his face and although a bit of masochism within him yearned to understand just how powerful of a bite her jaws were capable of, he could not allow her to attack his face. He needed his teeth and his sight to overpower her, so as he moved to his left his elbows fell to land upon the ground, his spine bending with his agile muscles as his jaws unhinged. Hellish growls released from the beast's widely barreled chest with his bloodlust as he aimed to lunge upward, to grab her at the bottom of her throat and knock the wind out of her as his jaws clamped around her trachea. If successful, the beast would lift himself up to his full height with enough force that he hoped to lift the heavy woman off of her two front feet. Then, he would kick off the ground with his hinds and throw his body weight into her as he tried his best to get her on her back.

Her weight, strength and sense of determination satisfied something within him that he hadn't experienced before in his life. It was enough to awaken a passion within him, but not a passion typically spawned from admiration. No, this was a bond built on hate and the desire for it. He wanted her to loathe him, he wanted to push her psyche to limits it'd never before experienced. He wanted her to feel as deeply vengeful as he himself was capable of, and he wanted her to grow from it. In his mind, his actions were transforming her into a monster just as chaotic and powerful as he, and oh god was it beautiful.

Transfixed on his new obsession, he could not stop himself. He had to break her, to make her submit in ways she would fear and hate forever. Never again would she allow herself to become so weak, but for now.. she was his fragile little play thing. He undoubtedly expected her to kick and scratch against him, but he would endure as much as it took for him to get into position. He would keep his jaws light enough that he wouldn't kill her, but if she struggled too much he cut off her oxygen once again. He felt his chest against hers as his forelimbs locked on either side of her, leaving his hinds to come up behind her own and cradle her body. If she didn't understand what he was trying to do before, she soon would.


Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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