
Let You Down



06-23-2013, 05:00 PM

Oh and all those things you dreamed of

the visions that you saw

Well the time is drawing near now,

It's yours to claim it all:


(ooc: continutiy note, for anyone reading, Crucible is actually a boy x3 don't ask)

A gasping came from the snow drift. Cross was climbing his way out, well more 'swimming' than climbing. Big black paws paddled his way through the packed white flurries up to the top of the snowbank. The drift muffled his father's words a bit, but he heard the gist. "Cruci's inside, but I think Creed went out exploring again." He jumped. "Whoops." His eyes snaked guiltily up towards his mother. "I.... wasn't supposed to say that." He chuckled nervously, which came out as a sort of squeak. Eventually he'd get a deep voice, probably by the time he was only a year, but for now he was still a puppy with a baby's voice.

Big green eyes nearly popped out out of his head when he saw how roughed up his Pops looked. A distraction and a curiosity! "Did you catch the bad guy, Dad? Did you kill 'im dead?" Cross's brow was wrinkled and a little snarl was curling up, but he was just a boy thinking of bedtime tales. All of what had happened was horrible. But it was hard to connect with at such a young age. It was half story telling to him, half a game, but it passed as reality for all that he knew. And it was dangerous and exciting! Though he was frowning, his tail was wagging furiously. He wanted to hear how his dad was a hero!


Son of Man, look to the skies

Lift your spirit, set it free

One day you'll walk tall with pride

Son of Man a man in time You'll be