
Spring Greetings


01-16-2017, 04:04 PM

Sadly, the boy could relate to his half-brother in his "bittersweet" life. He felt the loss of a parent, the loss of a brother, and the loss of family in general. He spent his last few years searching for the ones that could be found to no avail. Colten didn't want to be found and that had now become very clear to him. So now he searched for a new life, with his new family. He started out all alone, something he had never felt before even when his mother died. Someone was always there; Rune, Kylar, Colten. And now he had to build these trusts and relationships with this other side of his family that he didn't even know.

Amarant came gracefully to the pack of wolves, looking to everyone with a smile before taking a seat, back legs partially hanging out to the side. He looked up to Leo waiting to see what news he would bring. He noticed Heather just slightly, remembering Roza telling him of her sister with spots. But he wouldn't stare, his unknown family would come to meet him eventually. There was no rush, he wouldn't die anytime soon.

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