



6 Years

01-16-2017, 05:54 PM

Her life had begun to lull into a state of comfortableness. It was hard to imagine that not even a season ago she'd given birth to her children in the estuary. Now she was within the comforts of her own borders living with something she'd achieved with her own efforts. At first the adjustment was hectic - she'd never had to juggle the responsibilities of being a mother and being an alpha in Celestial. Now she just had to find a comfortable medium between both which was proving to be challenging. It was easier now that the pack was settling in to their new home. There was no meetings to call, no training to attend to, it would be simple until everyone got a bit more relaxed. For that she was grateful. She was going to do her best to ease her way into it.

Her children were already growing tremendously. She was aware that it was about time she sat down with Zell to work out a schedule. They would need to learn how to hunt and eventually some of them would most likely want to pursue other interests as well. She wanted to make sure they got an education that they wanted and she intended on starting early so they would be prepared by the time they were adults. Not that she liked the idea of them growing up so quickly, but she knew it was something she couldn't avoid.

Her border patrols were helping her physique. All the fat she'd obtained during her pregnancy had faded away. Her morning routine while checking the borders also included a run - she was already slimmed down enough to feel like she was comfortable with her own body once more. She'd just finished one of these runs and was finishing up on marking the borders when a scent wafted towards her on a warm breeze. It was foreign and masculine and immediately caught her attention.

She headed towards the scent at a trot as she let herself catch her breath. She felt better when she reached the dark and russet colored man, but her mood shifted when she saw the paw splayed across the ground right over the marked border. Sprigs of grass peeked from the mud, but she hardly cared about the fresh spring weather and the growth it brought at the moment. her eyes narrowed thoughtfully for a moment as she approached, but she kept her cool for a moment to assess the situation. She came to a pause, giving them some distance between them as she took a dominant stand, with her tail and head high.

"I wouldn't bring the rest of you across Lirim's borders. Your paw is already breaking one of the few rules we have and I'd hate to get off on the wrong foot so early." The pun certainly wasn't intended, but there wasn't any humor in her tone. She wasn't hostile either - she was merely giving him the opportunity to change their encounter around. He was the first wolf to show up on her land after the pack had been raised and she certainly wasn't keen on the first encounter being a sour one.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]