
Let You Down



06-23-2013, 05:34 PM

I met an old man,

dying on a train,

No more destination, No more pain

He said, "One thing before I graduate:"


(ooc: hope you don't mind me using Crucible as a plot devise ;) he always seems to be out anyway)

She just couldn't catch a break, could she? One moment Cifer is finally returning, and the next, one of her other babies has decided to go trasping off through a countryside infested with moose, bears and wild cats. Perfect.

The truth was, she ought to have been prepared for this. She was a wanderer herself. She'd left the nest as soon as she stopped stumbling over her own paws. But this was different. This was her family. And with the recent reminder of the dangers surrounding them (not to mention old age adding some worry) she was stern in punishing her pups when she caught them after a sneak out.

She sighed. "What with all the packmates and other litters, they're usually supervised by someone or other,-" she shook her head. "But our children have turned out to be very good at slipping through the nets." Crafty little things.

She was about to say more, but then Cross spoke up. Her gaze saddened a little, but she didn't bother trying to explain. He was asking his father, and Cifer was perfectly able to take care of himself. But, just in case, Crusade snuggled her nose into his cheek fur. "I really must find that little boy of ours. Do you want to rest up in the cave with Cross?.." Or would he want to come with her? She didn't want to ask it aloud, it would put pressure on the poor male after he'd traveled for so long. No doubt he wanted to follow Cross into the pack cave and get himself some sleep. But then... he could also have rest out in the sun and snow after they'd captured Creed. Her gaze lingered on him questioningly. It was up to the male.


"Never let your Fear decide your Fate"