
Simple Math [Meeting]



5 Years
01-16-2017, 08:39 PM

Delaney smiled as Karabela spoke to her, chocolate tail wagging happily behind her.

"Yes it's going great so far and yes I hope as the snow continues to melt things will get much easier," she replied with a nod.

Qualm came up to her shortly after, his demeanor a little off. He dropped a bundle of herbs close to her before letting her know he was sick and offering for her to take an herb to help her immune system. The young healer nodded and took her dose of Elderberries as Karabela spoke to him. She felt bad for him, that he had to sit away from the others, but she knew it would be best in case whatever he had was contagious.

Delaney watched as others arrived, both familiar and new faces to her. She was curious of the new faces that arrived as well as the ones that were here when she joined. She was upset with herself that she hadn't spent more time getting to know the others in the pack, but partly she blamed it on the fact winter arrived shortly after she joined. She was determined to get to know the others and to let them know that she was to be a healer, maybe learn something new from the others. There was still so much that she needed to learn and she hoped to continue to learn and grow in this pack.

One new face in particular kinda stuck out like a sore thumb upon arrival. He swaggered in like he had always been around, yet she had never seen the male before. The first thing that caught her eyes were the unique striped looking markings that littered his body, the second was his large size, third was the two owls that fallowed him, and finally was the massive fangs that protruded from his mouth. He was quite unique looking and the mutation was something she had never seen before. He looked fairly young too, maybe even close to her age. She definitely was curious about him and hoped that at some point she could get to know a little about him.

Turning her attention back to Kara she listened as she started the meeting and more importantly when she turned her attention to her and Qualm. It was almost like Kara had been reading her mind and her tail wagged. She smiled and looked over to Qualm before looking back to Kara.

"I feel I am more then ready, as long as Qualm feels the same," she replied with confidence.

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: TxH2KFf.png]