


01-16-2017, 11:09 PM

"Why do I continue to follow you into some of the coldest places? I'm gonna freeze my paws off thanks to you." The voice of Jett cut through the silence of the day as they trekked. His spotted hide was becoming more and more cranky the further they went north so it was a collective decision on Zenara's part to start heading southward again. She knew he didn't like the cold but of course she loved the cold. They tended to walk a fine line, one of compromise so this was one they usually had to deal with. Her vocals answered him in one of her native languages, one he fully understood but preferred not to use all that much. Her vocals were soft but still held a firm tone to it.  "والكفوف الخاصة بك على ما يرام، ونحن بالتحرك جنوبا على أي حال. وسوف تكون دافئة مرة أخرى قبل أن تعرف ذلك."

The huge trees around them were what had captured her attention in the first place. She was familiar with the red bark, their enormity was something she knew. Redwood forests like this one had always been a place of safety. She was born in a forest like this and no matter how much Jett complained she always seemed to find her way into this terrain. The indignant snort from Jett is what caught her attention as she walked. Her purple hued orbs turned to his and she gave him a soft smile. Her only answer to the smile was a glare.

It wasn't even seconds later that Jett unceremoniously plopped his rump onto the downed tree he had been sitting upon. He was irritated she knew. His hatred of using their native tongues was something she could never understand. But he at least would use it when he had to, though this was not one of those times. He probably wouldn't answer her either until she spoke English again, though she didn't much care to do so right now. In french she spoke once more, this time her tone was playful yet chastising like a mother with an unruly pup. "
Vous savez si vous voulez être au chaud du sud est la seule direction à aller, mais je veux dire que je pourrais vous laisser là. Peut-ętre qu'un loup affamé vous confondra pour leur prochain repas, hein?"
She finished with a light giggle as he looked startled and then looked around him for what she could only expect were other wolves. She of course was only toying with him a little. She would never honestly leave him if he didn't want her to.

His response was to stay exactly where he was but send her a small pleading look. She of course just gave him a shake of her head as she sighed. Honestly he could act like such a big baby sometimes. His next few words were hushed but still loud enough for her to hear from her five yards away. His ears pressed back and his head tilted down, making him look as if he was pouting. "That's not funny and you know it Zen." She gave a sigh at her high maintenance companion as she crossed the distance between them and sat in front of him. Her ears pressed back and she gave him the same soft smile. "It was just a joke, you know i wouldn't leave you behind Jett. Your like a brother to me." It was completely true. Her mother had sort of raised them both so it was just natural to her to think of him like a brother, even though he never took on the Kasai name. It didn't matter much though to her. Her English made him finally perk his ears and look up at her. He truly hated her using their native tongues, but of course there was no stopping her.

It was only just a dream

والكفوف الخاصة بك على ما يرام، ونحن بالتحرك جنوبا على أي حال. وسوف تكون دافئة مرة أخرى قبل أن تعرف ذلك.- Your paws will be just fine, we're moving south anyways. It will be warm again before you know it.

Vous savez si vous voulez être au chaud du sud est la seule direction à aller, mais je veux dire que je pourrais vous laisser là. Peut-ętre qu'un loup affamé vous confondra pour leur prochain repas, hein?- You know if you want to be warm south is the only direction to go, but I mean I could just leave you there. Maybe some hungry wolf will mistake you for their next meal, hmm?