



6 Years
01-17-2017, 02:21 AM

Spring was finally here and yet it brought no relief to the blind healer. Her northern pack would still suffer some more cold spells until closer to the summer time which also meant that if she wanted herbs she'd have to travel. Nox's mood had soured considerably, though not much considering there was still snow on the ground in most places they traveled. The idea of it getting hotter was an abhorrent one for the snow leopard and Armai could only expect more annoyed behavior out of her feline friend.

In the mean time the pair had headed away from Vyper. Everything was quiet, she hadn't seen Brutus in a while, and overall Armai hadn't done much socialization. Part of it was because she hadn't noticed anyone around and the other part, well Armai wasn't exactly the best at being social. It was still a problem she needed to work on, but she found it harder to do in Vyper than she had Myriad.

So her solution was to take a quick trip. If anyone needed her skills soon then she had to refresh her stock of herbs and she couldn't do that if there wasn't any new growth. Nox explained where they were as they walked side by side and Armai listened as she walked with her head lowered. It wasn't south yet, but the feline wanted to take an unexplained detour. There was no complaint from the silver wolf - after all, Nox had done so much for her. If she wanted to go explore then Armai certainly would oblige.

They hadn't gotten very far when she felt Nox's fur bristle against hers. Her own head raised instinctively and she sniffed the air. She didn't need Nox to tell her that there was potential company nearby, and she could easily pick up the scent of another feline as well mixed with the stench of wolf. She could pick up on the excited vibes from her friend - was it another snow leopard?

"Let's go check it out." Nox's voice was insistent. How was she to say no when Nox was excited about something for once? She didn't imagine it was often they came across other cats, so Armai shrugged. "Alright, lead the way."

Nox didn't wait a second after that. Nox had to trot to keep up with her, but soon the scents of the other pair grew closer and she could hear voices. Nox came to a halt and Armai idled next to her for a moment and sniffed the air again. She could smell the other cat clearly yet it had a distinct scent that separated it from Nox. What exactly was it?

"I hope we're not intruding." She called out to the other wolf.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.