
And we spill out our scars



6 Years

01-17-2017, 01:40 PM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2017, 04:26 PM by Faite.)

Faite waited with bated breath for any sign that her words had gotten though to him. He was her friend regardless of how they met or what he looked like. She hadn't liked him at first and in all honesty she'd found him a danger, but he'd really grown since she'd first met him. He hadn't threatened to eat anyone's eyeballs and he'd even joined her pack - he was like a little brother. She hated the fact that Zell had upset him so much.

So far it seemed like he'd barely heard her judging from the flick of his ear. He still seemed extremely focused on the tree. She eyed him for a moment before taking a deep breath before he began to talk. "For a moment, Zell reminded Ritsy of his dad." Her ears flattened at the thought. What on earth had Ritsy's dad done? She glanced towards Ritsy's tail as he explained it was his father who'd deformed it in the first place. She'd always figured he'd lost it, but she'd never given it much thought. The rest of him was rather disfigured so it'd never warranted a whole lot of time to really figure out how it'd gotten that way.

She wanted to open her mouth to comfort him, to offer some sort of apology even though it wasn't her fault, but she couldn't quite formulate words. So she left her mouth shut and listened as he explained his painful and heart rending story. Faite couldn't relate to having parents who didn't love her - both her parents were amazing in her point of view. She hadn't gotten to spend much time with them after she'd came back after leaving to find her mother, but both of them getting sick hadn't helped. She'd never had to worry about food while she was with them and she'd never had to worry about being loved. Her family was tightly knit and would remain that way from what she could see. She'd never had to suffer.

And now Ritsy was crying. She moved forward to where he had flopped down to try and nuzzle his face in a comforting gesture. "Ritsy, your past is your past. I know it wasn't exactly a great one and I know it hurt you, but the present and the choices you make for the future are what matter now. Since I've known you you've taken amazing steps from the male who obsessed over eyeballs. You're my friend and you earned that loyalty from me. Whatever you used to be in the past, you aren't bad anymore. You're good Ritsy and others need to see that as well."

Walk, "Talk" Think

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