
We're just kids being kids



6 Years

01-17-2017, 02:30 PM
*Navigation - Firefly Lake

As the sun started to slip down passed the horizon, the woman stopped to enjoy the view. The last rays of light danced across the lake, rippling over the water and almost making it look like it were on fire. The whole illusion was aided by the dancing bugs, their back ends lit up with a pretty yellow glow. Her head tilted to the side, bell clad tail moving across the ground. Her charms let out little calls, filling the still air with their sweet song. It wasn't until the sun vanished completely that she stood, stretching her front legs out in front of her. She wasn't quite sure where Goat the stoat was, but he always ended up turning up when he felt like it. He wasn't as big on exploring as she was, something that Jaelle dealt with in stride. The cranky weasel could do what he wanted, she didn't mind in the least.

Just as she was about to make her way to the shore of the lake, the sound of voices make her ears twitch. Turning her head towards her left, she tucked her nose into her scarf as a wolf and cat came into view. Wolves with companions seemed to be a rather common thing here, so she wasn't surprised to see the critter with a wolf friend. Observing them for a moment, she couldn't help but smile to hear their soft bickering voices. They sounded like long time friends, while her and Giet were still getting used to one another. Padding closer to them, she didn't bother to announce herself as she closed in. The bangles clattered on her front legs, the ones on her tail ringing out in time with each other. A soft smile was on her lips as she got closer, she eyed the cat with a kind expression. She hadn't met one like them before, and she really liked his spots. They were almost similar to her own patches, just a lot more fancy. "Greetings, travelers!" she called at them, feeling the soft, browning fur of the stoat against her leg. Looking down in surprise, she watched the weasel bare his teeth at them. Oh Goat, he had so many manners to learn.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.