
Graveyard, Oh the Graveyard

Erebos I


6 Years
01-17-2017, 05:48 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2017, 05:40 PM by Evelyn.)

The creature wove through the bone-like trees, as pale as the snow that had not too long ago claimed these lands. His tongue flicked out to lick at his lips, the ever constant buzz of voices silent for once. He hadn't had to kill, and they grew silent. It wasn't something he was used to, it had been so long since it was only his own voice in his mind. Erebos knew that it wouldn't last for very long, it ever did. Maybe they just got tired, giving him a break for once. It was in these quiet moments that the white marked wolf thought he could bounce back on his own without the help of Beau. It gave him false hope, and even though he was aware of it he still clung to it in desperation. There were times that he didn't even remember what he had been doing, his life a blur since his brother had vanished. He would wake up from blacking out coated in blood, unsure if it was his own or someone else. Today was one of those days.

Erebos hadn't even remembered leaving the foggy forest, but when he opened his eyes he was in a whole new place. This time there was no blood, and no voices. Sniffing at the air in a tentative matter, he tired to find his way out of the bleached woods. It was really strange to be walking alone, the ghostly shape of Liliya had been his only companion for the longest time. His pink and blue eyes scanned the horizon, but it seemed to be rather barren in here.

Or so it would seem.

Not paying attention to his paws, the male soon found himself on the ground. Confused, he blinked a few times and picked himself up, looking behind him to see what had tripped him up. What he saw made him suck in a deep breath, the half rotted corpse of a wolf sticking out of a shallow grave. It was hard to tell if they had been killed in the winter before, having frozen after the snow came, or if it was a fresher kill. Gulping, he wondered if this is what he had done before he blacked out. No... it couldn't be. They had been dead for quite some time. His dark gray ears pulled back against his head as the all too familiar voices made themselves known again.

'Of course it was you, my dear. Who else could it have been?' Aletha cooed, her soft whispering voice made him shiver. The darkness started to cloud his mind already, no matter how hard he pushed it back.

"N-no, it wasn't me." He growled back at her softly, shaking his head back and forth. All he heard was laughter, the sound of Liliya's chiming in. She hadn't manifested just yet, but he knew it would only be a matter of time before they all came flooding back.


'Aletha speaks' 'Eunike speaks' 'Liliya speaks'

This is a mean, cruel man at times. He can be unpredictable, swears, and bites. The voices in his head can say very not-nice things as well, please thread at your own risk.