



3 Years
01-18-2017, 02:04 AM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2017, 02:14 AM by Shrapnel.)

The unknowing of standing with one paw across the home of many is what made his day, provocation radiating from his body as black ears swiveled about his skull. It had been so long since he'd met another wolf on his journey, let alone one of pack that would easily possibly tear him into pieces. Twin lunar eclipses glaring deeply into the frame of the woman approaching, copper lips rising to a death like smile; before fading. -She makes threats-  A wicked fracture snapped through the air upon hearing the female's threats of not crossing, fangs glittering brightly like daggers in the fading sun as his tri tail hung between his legs like a statue. -Towards a fucking God-

'"Glaubst du, ich habe Angst vor deinen verdammten Drohungen?"'

It was his accent that grew more propitiate as he lashed out at the woman before him, unaffected by her potential rank in this place. He had never been one to care for someone's social status in life, only because in the end it was just a title to him and his family. Yes, he had earned the title The Butcher among his family for killing their servants like cattle, it had been very fitting for him since hundreds had fallen beneath his teeth. It was the manifestation that this female was no different to him in any way, even though she held that dominate stance in this moment. -Take her-

No, he would keep his paw right where it was at for seconds after she made her little pun about wrong foot, his features glacial as he gawked at her carelessly. The different eye colors in her sockets were probably the only amusing part of her body, besides that she was just barely bigger than one of his toys. -Make her one-  "Vut Makz you think gettin' off on ze wron foot iz a buad thing?"

It was one deadly question that could change the tides of her opinion on him, a homicidal glaze formed over the ghost like orbs as he looked into her dual colored gaze. There would never be anyone more dominant than he ever, he would refuse to back down in a stand off of brutish strength as well as will power.


Warning! This male is unpredictable and is prone to use language, attack, and gore. This character is cannibal, so thread at your own risk.