



6 Years

01-18-2017, 03:01 AM

Her posture didn't waver as she stared him down confidently. So far he was the first challenge that had come to her in a very long time and she wanted to seem impressive. Hell, Faite was impressive in her own way. To this stranger she was a nobody with a title she'd claimed herself and to her he was testing the waters with just one foot over her border. Even her approach didn't sway him from his spot and it caused her eyes to harden. Of course his words would ultimately lead her to her call of judgement. His actions could have been seen as some rebellious amusement, but how he spoke to her would seal the deal of her opinion of him.

Faite was a lenient creature. She could understand being merciful and she was a believer in second chances. It was in this moment that she had decided to give him a glimmer of one. After all they didn't even know each other. He hadn't been so bold as the fully delve further into her lands just yet so there really was no reason to jump the gun. Her threat had been laid down and she was willing to see how this went. A part of her despised the idea of this resulting in bloody conflict, but the other half didn't mind the idea. She was an alpha now and she was prepared to defend what was hers by right. She'd earned this and she wasn't about to let anyone spit on it.

And then he spoke.

'"Glaubst du, ich habe Angst vor deinen verdammten Drohungen?"'

Her ears flicked back at the strangers words that did nothing but confuse her. She'd learned a bit about Jorrvaskr's language when the female had briefly called Celestial home, but that surely wasn't it. It clearly wasn't Irish either and no words came to mind to relate the two languages. Would their conversation be like this or was he just messing with her? Surely this man had to know some English? He clearly wasn't a heathen. She could tell just by the challenging expression on his face that he knew what he was doing was wrong.

"Is féidir le beirt imirt an cluiche teanga mo chara"

She wasn't quite sure if he really didn't know English or if this was all just a game to him, but she didn't quite care. Her voice was calm and steady as she replied to him. She highly doubted he knew any Irish and it made her feel like she had an edge on him by knowing a second language.

Her dual-toned gaze scanned the larger wolf to get an idea of what he was thinking. He was unreadable for the most part and staring up at him was more than frustrating. She was used to having large wolves in her life. The father of her children was as large as her brothers, and there were many more wolves that had the size advantage. Normally she hadn't cared, but in a stand off it made her feel smaller than she actually was. It was hard to feel intimidating when the other was nearly a foot larger.

"Vut Makz you think gettin' off on ze wron foot iz a buad thing?"

So he did speak English! His accent was prominent which gave her the clue that he wasn't very good at it. It was still a relief that this might actually turn into a conversation, of course his words didn't exactly help things. They were just as rebellious and challenging as his actions were. She could tell she was going to have an interesting encounter - the question was, would it end in a fight?

"So is that your thing then? Going to pack lands and testing boundaries? If you're here to stir up trouble then I hope you don't bite off more than you can chew."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]