


01-18-2017, 12:23 PM

A predator prowled through the Redwoods, though its intent was not to hunt. It simple wandered, pausing every now and then to gaze upon a robust and never ending tree trunk. He’d heard of trees such as these, some were carved into by the elements and by animals, hollowed all the way through, but still alive. Amber eyes surveyed one such tree with interest, how long had it taken the forest creatures to carve so deep into the tree and then out the other side? Tilting his head back to look up into the trunk, it was obvious that the hollowing had started upwards- but stopped only a few feet high. The trunk was dark and cool, comforting for a Wolf still losing his winter coat. The pale lupine creature continued on his way, leaving the hollowed out tree behind as he trudged deeper into the Redwoods.

Nostrils breathed in the sharp scent of tree, but he also picked up the scent of prey here and there, none of which caught his immediate interest. The scarred warrior was simply searching for more wolves, he had been a loner for some time and while the life had suited him in his younger years, it was time he bind himself to something more than the whimsical nature of a rogue. When the trees finally parted just enough for a large overhanging boulder to be squeezed in the Wolf smiled and happily walked towards it, entering its shade with a sense of relief. Again, he breathed in deeply, taking in the scents that were caught on the wind, his ears came forward alertly as he put his back to the stone and looked out upon his surroundings again.
