



6 Years

01-18-2017, 04:37 PM
ooc: For plot purposes this isn't an official fight, so no rounds, don't care much about defenses either. We can make this quick and painless c:

This wasn't exactly how she'd pictured her day going. Having a standoff on her border wasn't her idea of a good time, but there wasn't much that could be done about it now. With every second that ticked by she grew more and more tense. This male was either stupid or very brave, but she was leaning more towards stupid. She couldn't quite wrap her head around the thought that this was fun to him. This little game of minds wasn't enjoyable in the slightest, but now that it was started she was determined to win it.

Her ears flicked back against her skull and the hairs along her back bristled irritably as the male's muscles tightened and he moved his other paw to the border. He was literally toeing the line and Faite didn't appreciate it one bit. A warning growl rumbled in her chest, but ended abruptly as the familiar tones of Irish were repeated back to her. Her fierce gaze faltered for a minute as the realization hit her, but it didn't matter. It shouldn't have been that much of a surprise, it just changed things up a bit.

"Níl aon cluiche."

She wasn't in the mood for it. Whatever he came here for she intended on accelerating it. Either he was going to leave or they were going to fight and she'd make him leave. His smirking was annoying and insulting. He'd won nothing over her yet and his arrogance struck a nerve within her. His foreign language was only icing on the cake. She didn't understand him, but she supposed that was the point.

Her lip raised in a silent snarl as the male's threatening posture diminished and he stepped over her border. He was so willing to test the limits - she'd given him his second chance and he'd shamelessly tossed it to the side. Her her lowered and her chin tucked inward instinctively. Her tail lowered parallel to the ground and her muscles tightened as she took a balanced stance.

"Well if you want to play then lets play." She snarled.

They were so close now, less than ten feet between them, that she was sure he wouldn't be getting away from her so easily. Now that she'd settled on the fact that they were going to fight she sincerely hoped he wouldn't be running away. Such a disappointment wouldn't be tolerated. So she sprang at him with teeth wide open as she went for his face. She'd taken on wolves larger than him and come out on top. He had bitten off more than he could chew.

Her teeth aimed right for his unprotected eyes and both front legs raised off the ground as she aimed to wrap her paws around his neck in a vice-like grip. Her hind legs widened their stance to change her center of gravity and take on the brunt of her weight as her tail flagged out. If he wanted a game she'd show him how it was played.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]