
What's My Name?



2 Years
01-18-2017, 06:33 PM

Kaecious watched the woman's quiet display with solemn curiosity. He felt like he was intruding on a moment, but lacked the courage to ask. Luckily for him, she stepped back from the bell and seemed content. She turned to her small friend and gestured for him to lead the way. Kaeci agreed it was wise, but turned his own nose into the oncoming breeze all the same. He was not terribly familiar with the area and he could not recall having seen anything of the sort, so perhaps it was best that she lead the way.

They followed the weasel alongside a dry riverbed and rolling hills. They were consistent, but hardly obstacles. Occasionally he would trot up to the top of the nearest just to get a look around the area, but not much seemed to change. He fell deep in his thoughts, not saying much as they moved, and did not notice that Jaelle had pulled ahead of him. She stopped suddenly, and had she not let out a rush of air he might have run right into her. Even as it was he had to swerve hard to his right and stumbled as he came up short. Kaeci turned, hackles raised in alarm, to see what had caught her eye.

The massive creatures inspired a sense of wonder in him. They were so large! He did not think he had ever seen something so big, but then again, he knew only deer and pigs and smaller things. Perhaps he had seem them once in his past but if so, all knowledge of them has vanished. "Great spirits," he murmured, and sat down with a thud. Those closest to the wolves looked up, though they did not seem to mind their arrival given the distance still between them. Farther along, the herd milled. Giet continued along his way as if nothing had changed, but Jaelle seemed as struck as Kaeci. "I have no idea," he replied in a weak voice, as if the wind had been taken from his lungs. "Do you suppose they'll come at us?" He did not like the idea of that at all. He couldn't imagine what something that large could do to his squishy little body. He watched as their sharp hooves tore up the earth in search for fresher feed, and gulped.

"Talk" "You" Think