
Lost Without You



7 Years

01-18-2017, 09:20 PM

She knew, the moment the light shifted in his eyes and he seemed oh-so amused that he had caught on immediately onto what she said... and the fact that it was an accident. Her eyes widened even more, and she was ever grateful for being furred; she could feel the heat of her skin underneath her fur, and her ears flicked back slightly in embarrassment. Emotions warred within her; she couldn't decide if she regretted saying that, or... not. On one paw, she was absolutely, completely, mortified that she had just admitted that. On the other paw, she couldn't stop the warmth that pooled in her body, so reminiscent of her time in heat, though... different. Less instinctual, less reactionary, and more... emotional as well? It was weird, but damn did it feel good.

That heat only grew when he spoke, his voice so soft it sent shivers up her spine - a pleasant, electric sensation. The question, too, and even the slight smile; she blinked at the sudden pace change of her heart, and the hitches in her breathing. "Perhaps," she answered just as quietly, her green eyes focused on Lark intently. Did she sound as breathless as she felt? And yet, there was something else, something that this glorious sensation that was driving her crazy with all sorts of wants was able to help her say. Something, that in the haze of things she both understood and didn't understand, she was able to ignore the thought of the consequences. "And perhaps the other part is I don't want to ever leave the ones I love again." Her voice was even more breathless than before, quiet but also unwavering, those green eyes focused on Lark with such an absolute intensity as she voiced the thing that she'd been torn about saying, torn about accepting, torn about... the existence of it. It was now in the open, and Lillianna found herself almost not giving a damn about the negative consequences that could come of saying it, dismissing them as she would a slight breeze.

"Speech" "Italian" "Farrym"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.