
Lost Without You



7 Years
Extra large

01-18-2017, 09:53 PM
He couldn't help but be amused at her accident, noticing right away that she hadn't meant to say it. It was something to break the awkward tension in the air - and he found himself grinning at her slightly while she spoke. What did surprise him, though, was that she didn't try to backtrack. She simply said perhaps, which only made the corners of his lips twitch upward slightly more. Interesting. His tail twitched where it lay against the ground, gaze fixed on her as she spoke again. Her words this time, though, surprised him quite a bit more.

She.. didn't want to leave the ones she loved. Lillie meant him? Briefly he wrinkled his nose, looking a bit confused before his expression softened. He felt his chest tighten, a bit uncomfortably, though her words sent an undeniable feeling of warmth through him that took him by surprise. He ought to have expected her bold words; she'd never been one to hide what she felt, for as long as he'd known her. Still, they'd never really discussed what happened that day, and they certainly hadn't discussed their feelings about it or about one another.

"I.. agree," he fumbled over his own words, not quite sure what to say. Did he love her? Was she saying she was in love with him, or simply that she loved him? They were two very different things.   "That's.. why I was so upset that you left. Waiting for those you love to come back after they leave.. it hurts."  His gaze lifted to find hers again, wondering how she might react at his off-hand admission, if it could be considered that.