
Lost Without You



7 Years

01-18-2017, 10:14 PM

The grin, the amusement... the grin that simply grew at her simple response. Despite, or perhaps because of the emotions - and desires - running rampant through her, it brought a slight sense of... normalcy back as she huffed at him, eyes glittering with a quiet, fierce joy. She grasped onto that feeling before the emotions drove her insane again, and she cracked her own... little smile. This one was a little mocking, a little challenging, a little... bite me if you dare. A small, shit-eating grin, if you will.

The grin faded when she spoke again, though, and she watched as his face moved through the subtle expressions of surprise, and confusion. It was surprising to her that she caught the subtle movement, that she noticed the slight shift that likely wouldn't have been noticed by others. And then... it smoothed out, and then went even softer than that; a light of understanding, perhaps, if she was correct. Some part of her, deep inside, relaxed at that gesture, because it wouldn't have come unless the reaction was a positive one.

Then he spoke, and it was her turn. She blinked - first once, then twice, then a few more times as she studied him, absorbing the words. Did that mean... did that mean he... loved her? She didn't know quite how to react to that one, and her mouth started to open before closing without making a sound. It was fortunate timing, too, that Lark continued in that moment, and her chest was at once feeling constricted and free. It took a minute to process it all, what they meant at face value and also what they implied. That she had hurt him, first and foremost, with her disappearance. Hurt him deeply, because she was one of those... she was one of those that he loved that he had waited to return. Which meant... he loved her?

Her mind balked at the thought, at the terror and also the joy that was brought with it. It was both excited and fearful at the same time. Her thoughts and ability to think essentially paralyzed, she found herself moving instead. She moved closer to Lark, if allowed, her muzzle reaching out and up to brush against his cheek, shaking ever so slightly from the onslaught of emotions. There, she murmured, "I'm sorry I hurt you. I hate that I did." She almost added more, that she wouldn't leave again, that he wouldn't have to wait for her to return again, but she'd already spoken those words - and Lillie knew they didn't have to be repeated.

"Speech" "Italian" "Farrym"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.