
Raesa Finnvi



3 Years
Extra large
01-19-2017, 12:54 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2017, 08:29 PM by Ræsa.)
Out-of-Character Name: Fox
Age: 22

Character's Name: Raesa Finnvi
Character Age: 2 Years
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 42"
Build: Medium
Appearance Description: Ræsa is a fae possesed of otherworldly beauty. Her limbs are long and slender and she does not walk so much as float. Her motions are fluid, and give one the impression that everything she does is intended, everything was planned, purposeful, predisposed. She is sharp, in both her angles and the way she might capture you in her gaze. Icy eyes are disconcerting, a molten silver cradling the faintest hints of blue at their frozen core. Her pale coat is frost and ash and fire all at once. She is fire and ice, a queen made for war.

The base of her coat is a dusky kind of white, more akin to tarnished silver than a true grey. It darkens as one moves farther down her legs and into the tip of her tail, interrupted by thin stripes of the same white ending somewhere in the mid of her limbs. Her toes are coated in a bloody auburn, as is the tip of her tail and ears. The girls face is a mix of all three colors, an ashen mask fading in at the corners of her lips and traveling up over her eyes. A snip of auburn coats her nose and lines the underside of her frigid eyes. She stands at 42" and weighs in at 195lbs.
Skills: Fighting & Navigation
Proof of Purchases: Height and Markings