
Blue Leaves



9 Years
01-20-2017, 08:00 PM

The woman took no offense to roaming eyes, yet she merely wished to display the fact that she was not someone to be trampled upon. Schon saw so many within these lands prance about, cowering to the might men that seemed to own them. She would never be such a thing. Therefore, she just wished to display her status. Her eyes were pinpointed towards him, blinking only when needed for she wished to miss nothing. A more.. pleasant trait of the babe was her ability to find beauty in most beings. Physical most of the time. But, due to her mad mind she saw flaws to be what brought creatures into the hands of Gods and Goddesses. You would not see a Goddess to look like a simpleton. But graces with features only she would have. Therefore, when that bloody gaze fell upon his various scars she expressed mild interest. They made the man before her unique in every possible way even if he did respond very vague and horribly boring. In her opinion, of course.

“Where I am from, war is as common as breathing. My scars are from sieges and battles both won and lost.”

The Finnvi visibly rolled her shoulders, a tiny little pop could be heard. A mere reminder of her age. The woman had put much wear and tear on her body in the past years now that she was six it showed. Now, she was not some elder cripple, she was merely reaching middle age. The beats nodded ever so slightly, allowing for her lids to squint only a hair. "Have you killed?" It was a test of hers. To throw forth a bold question, now it was time to observe his reaction. Those calculating eyes seemed to study each and every movement. For she could tell if he was lying, the woman had endured death by her own paws. The look in his eyes would tell the truth. But, she really did not care for an answer. The woman just wished to unravel what sort of man stood before her. A mindless warrior that had merely taken part in war? Or a flourished being of carnage? Who knew, really. Many surprise the babe with their ticking little secrets.

As she observed the lady would tilt her head. Allowing for her eyes to speak as well. Within her own visage was that of temptation and curiosity. Yet, even deeper was something sinister only a creature with a riddled past could pick up on. She continued to kneed the earth below, massaging the dirt beneath the snow with her marred pads. That tail remained high, unmoving. The wind seemed to howl above them, where the vast heavens met with the peaks of the mountain around them. Every now and then creeks of falling rocks could be heard, yet she did not move. The entirety of her attention was completely focused on the alabaster phantom before her.

"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.