



6 Years
Extra large

01-21-2017, 11:17 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2017, 01:11 PM by Elias.)

For a moment, the beast saw the woman that might have once inhabited the body before him- when her tones changed to something sarcastically sweet and proper. It stunned him a bit, causing him to hold in any desire to cut off her words with an early attack. Previously, he'd been daydreaming about ripping her flapping tongue right from her skull.. but now he found himself actually listening. That was, until her next line of words.

"Every man I come across expects me to pop my back end up to the Gods and beg for him to 'take me take me!'"

With this, Elias couldn't help but break his cold and distant guise, the corners of his inky lips turning upward to mark a bit of a grin. To be honest, the idea of fucking this bitch nearly repulsed him to the point where he thought his manhood might revert right back up into his body in protest of the thought. It wasn't that she was ugly, though.. her dead and unkempt fur was certainly an eyesore, but it was her arrogant and entitled sense of self that rubbed him the wrong way. Besides, he'd had enough ass lately to last him awhile.

Still, something about her made him yearn to break her. To dominate her ultimately just to show her that she didn't deserve her sense of entitlement- to teach her a lesson that her power was something all too easily able to slip through her teeth. It wouldn't last forever, she would grow old eventually- therefor it made her no better than anyone else. Certainly, no better than him.

-fight post below-

With his head previously leveled out so that his neck, shoulders and back were all allied with one another, he simply kept that stance while his muscles began to tense up beneath his standing hackles. Even though he had short fur, there was an obvious ridge from the back of his ears to the base of his tail that told he was more than fed up with this encounter already. His toes then flexed as they picked themselves up off the cold ground, then splayed out once they were placed square with his body. His nails dug into the earth, anchoring him there as he lowered his stance, bending at the knee to keep his extremities limber and ready to react. He was taller than her, sure, but nowhere near as dense- preferring to keep his body lean and agile rather than to give in to gluttony and allow himself to become slower. It was this feature about himself that he liked to exercise in his battles.

He watched her through his vibrant ruby gaze as she readied her own defenses, tucking his chin downward while his teeth clacked together only once in a sharp bark before hanging open, leaving them ready to bite should she get too close. The meat of his face scrunched together over his snout and around his eyes, protecting his marred mug as more of his teeth and gums were exposed. His ears tucked in, flattening out against his broad skull so they wouldn't be at risk of being ripped off, while his tail protectively held tight between his hocks in an effort to protect both it and his manhood. Confident with his fighting stance, he simply waited for the mad woman to strike- which he knew she inevitably would. After all, who more familiar with madness than Elias himself?

His limbs shook with anticipation as adrenaline began pumping through his veins, both exciting and relaxing him at the same time. The muscles of his back loosened up as he watched her began to tear into the ground in order to cover it, closing the small space between them rather quickly. As soon as she had begun her bolt, the tall brute lowered himself instinctively- redistributing his previously balanced weight down to his chest while his toes gripped the earth. He suspected the she-hulk had wanted to use her bulk to her advantage by barreling into him, though this was the last of his desires. His pawpads were pushed against the earth as, in an instant, Elias jumped up off the ground toward his left just a step. Grass flung with his movements, but his limbs were already acting with enough flexibility that they were prepared to land and immediately redistribute his weight in favor of lowering his right shoulder, acting like expertly lubricated hydraulics in his youth. His core and back muscles tensed once again, solidly prepping themselves for her impact.

This hop to his left was meant to collide his upper right shoulder with the lower middle of her chest as she reared, hopefully inflicting some rather severe bruising if not slightly fracturing her sternum. In turn, he took moderate bruising to his own shoulder as he felt her throw her hulking weight into him. As her teeth ravenously sought after the flesh of his chest, so did his own for hers. While her teeth created a few (not sure how many she tried to inflict) mild lacerations across his already scarred chest without any real goal in mind before they sought to inflict another, his own aimed with calculated precision behind the power of his bite. With her weight pressed against his shoulder, his skull tilted to aim his teeth to his right while his readily agape jowls aimed to close around the fat along the middle of her right side of her neck, at the base just before her neck met her collarbone and shoulder. He wanted to sink his teeth in far enough that he could feel her fatty flesh with the tip of his tongue as it bundled in between his pinching jaws, causing her to bleed from the severity of the puncture wounds his fangs were sure to inflict. From there, he would suddenly throw his weight into his chest, attempting to redistribute it toward his left shoulder rather than his right as his neck muscles tensed with a thrash. His jaws pulled against her flesh and swung to his left; ideally, he'd pull away with a generous portion of her flesh and leave an open wound bleeding where he had landed his bite.

Schon vs. Elias for Dominance
Round 1/2

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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