
Unsteady Return


06-23-2013, 08:19 PM

The poultice of marigold, wasn?t the best tasting in the world, and working the herbs into their healing juices wasn?t the most fun thing, but she did it willingly, willing to deal with the bitter tasting herbs, if it meant healing another. She didn?t have friends, or any ties in this land- merely visited from place to place, helping those who needed her, looking for purpose. No loyalties, no ties- No friends. She didn?t dwell on it, it didn?t do one good, to dwell on those facts. Eris had been burned before, her first love and mate abandoned her to their children. Shortly, after the abandonment, she had given birth to a still-born litter. She wasn?t a stranger to hear-ache. She wasn?t a stranger to loneliness, but she never gave loneliness the power- because she never had time.

?Thank you.? Eris assumed it was about her offer, and assumed later, she?d let her know if her services were to be needed later. A polite nod, was all Eris gave in response to the thanks, and while waiting on her patient, allowed her mind to wander while waiting beside her poultice. Vaguely she thought about pack life, wondering if she would find a home here, her mind torn between each of the packs and what she had heard about them. Would it be Seracia, Glaciem, or Valhalla? Those three were perhaps the most interesting to her, their alignment so close to her own. Decisions, decisions.

Ashtoreth, worked her way out of the stream, and broke Eris from her revelry. Ears perked forward, watching every move the injured wolf made. As Ashtoreth, flopped down in front of her, the small lady moved forward, carrying a portion of the poultice in her jaws. ?Will it hurt?? The warriors words brought a smile to her face. ?It won?t hurt, but it may sting a little bit. The stinging means that it?s killing germs.? Her voice was soothing, calm, to reassure her patient. Stopping beside her, she worked it over the wound with her paws and mouth, making sure the wound was coated entirely. Once the wound was taken care of to her satisfaction, she stepped away, turning towards the stream, to rinse the bitter herb from her jaws, before turning on her haunches to face the young wolf.

?There, that poultice needs to be changed daily, but that marigold will prevent infection and allow for healing. You should stay off of it, as much as you can.? Resting back on her haunches, her tail came to rest around her. ?It must have taken a lot of strength to make it home with an injury like that, Ashtoreth. You are a strong wolf.? The compliment came from her jaws softly, with a warm smile. Golden eyes, would watch the grey she-wolf closely, in case she needed further treatment, though as far as she could tell, her work here was done. Satisfaction crept through her, and she let out a content sigh, again she had purpose.
