



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-21-2017, 12:02 PM
Valdís remained at a respectful distant, ears alert and her limbs tensed should the encounter turn violent but her body showed no outward signs of aggression. Her tail and hackles down and her stance reasonably loose despite her wariness. The man dropped the kill and turned to her and for a second they were both sizing each other up. They were similar in size and build but he moved in a way that suggested years of experience and she felt her stomach churn a bit, realizing that if this went south she'd need to run. She was well-trained and it would be a close match but even if she managed to win it would not be without terrible injuries and so she waited for him to speak. Time seeming to slow and she gauged his movements.

He gazed at her with suspicion before the expression suddenly fell and he spoke, head tilting. The words were broken and it was clear he wasn't used to speaking them. Was he a foreigner in these lands to? She wanted to comment upon it but decided not to bother. It wasn't as if she could speak any other languages and so she had nothing to offer him by stating the obvious.

"Observed I near this place, a den of... porcellini... how to say..."

Valdís tried to follow as he spoke. Procellini? Good spirits, he wasn't suggesting they hunt porcupine was he? He paused and then spoke again and she giggled before grinning at him and nodding. "Pigs!" She made note of the word porcellini though, curious to learn what the words meant to him. Eager for knowledge of any kind. "I have not hunted pigs before. Do you run them down? Uh…" she grasped for words, trying to distill her speech down with basic words that might make her meaning clearer. Suffocate? That wasn't to common… hmm…. "Stop pigs breathing? Bleed them?" She hoped she was getting her meaning across. She did not know the proper method for killing pigs.