
This road is all you'll ever have



5 Years
01-21-2017, 01:08 PM

Learning the language would prove invaluable. He may have been brought into the Fratelli Rossi as muscle but he knew the value of words, and well articulated threats. Besides he could not very well recruit anyone if he could not understand them… assuming that was even something he was going to try to do. It had been his last instructions from Basileus but with the other man seeming to have vanished the task had fallen to the wayside. He could not well recruit wolves to something that didn't exist and he was no kingpin. He was not a leader, he was a soldier. He took orders, he did not issue them.

Mercy licked her lips and Vincenzo felt a sudden stirring in his gut as his eyes fixed on the motion and the sheen of her saliva on her teeth. His ears flicked forward, alert to her eyes drifting over him. It was strange to feel her gaze roaming his body and it occurred to him just how long it had been since he'd been with someone. His last romance and fallen victim to his job, like so many before. He had true admiration for the brothers that could manage family life and their duties.

His eyes would travel down her back locking on her unusual scars and he felt some sort of kindred connection with this woman. They were similar creatures in a way. Battle born, blood-thristy. Despite the aires he put on he was a brawler. He preferred dirt and sweat to the elegance of the deadly fraternity. His tongue ran across his own teeth as he watched her, eager for the moment when her eyes would meet his again. Those electric violet eyes, intense and beautiful and unlike anything he'd ever seen before.

She would clear her throat, the sound bringing him back to the present for a moment but leaving a longing still roiling in his innards. Right, language. He was here to learn the language so he ought to start paying attention. Of course… what if the body language was different here to? Vincenzo grinned. There was a moment of silence as he asked her about what she would like in return and as her eyes traced down his back he resisted the urge to shudder with the rush of it. His tail was shifting on the ground, slowly twining its way back and forth and as her eyes met his she grinned and he thought for a moment he'd died.

"Payment? How about if you like your lesson, you can thank me in a... different manner."

Had he died? Well, he apparently had just done it again. Vincenzo felt the breath leave him and could of sworn his heart had stopped for a moment before it started hammering loudly in his ears. He felt the blood rushing through him. He didn't understand all the words but between her tone and the seductive shifting of her body he could pick out the meaning well enough.

He drew a deep, shuddering breath, jaws parted and his eyes closing for a moment as his nostrils flared, fixing on her scent, glittering with hunger when the opened again. "Yes, please." His voice low and smooth. Vincenzo couldn't help but grin at the thought of calling her name to the cave walls. How ironic, and what better way to call to the spirits for mercy?

"I'm not one to hand over the lead very often but... this one is all on you."

Oh? The lead was his? His shoulders rolled forward, in slow languid movements. His front legs flexed as he tried to calm the rising heat in his body. What did he want to learn first? The names of the prey? The weather? Or…. would anatomy be to forward? He wasn't sure he could focus on anything other than her body right now and surely those terms would be useful, no? His tongue was tracing his teeth again. "Uhhh…. you teach me the body, yes?" He gestured to his ears. "We name…. ehhh… orecchie What name you?"
