
You can't learn to live until you die



9 Years
01-27-2017, 09:07 PM

She had spent the rest of the winter locking herself in her den. Staying with her herbs and attempting to heal herself. Though the marks on her neck were hard to reach the silver women had managed to apply the proper herbs and go to the lake to clean her wounds. Other then that she stayed clear of others the overwhelming feeling of embarrassment over what had happened. Even with the first of spring the women had stayed in her den and it wasn't until today that she finally mustered up enough to get up and get out of her den.

Her first stop was the small grave close to her den, the place where she had buried her dear companion, though his soul had floated from his body (as she believed in her religion) she still wanted his body to be respected so she buried him. She sat in front of his grave with her head hung low quietly saying a few words to her gods, the ones she had been neglecting the past couple of years. Perhaps all this was a wake up call from them to let her know they were unhappy with her, or maybe she was reading to far into what had happened.

Her next mission for the day was to seek out Bass because she had a longer lasting thing that could become a problem. The healer knew that she was pregnant she could feel the changes within her body. She must talk to Bass, he would need to know that there would be new life arriving to the pack in a few months. She was sure he would also like to know about the attack, problem was without her sight and proper introductions she wouldn't be able to give much of a description to Bass about the male. She also needed a friend, because she was scared. She had no one to help her through this pregnancy and raising these children and she needed advice.

Bass was the only one she could think of to turn to for advice so she would need to find him and talk to him, hopefully today. Sighing she relaxed her body, head still dropped as she sat in front of Jack's grave.

"Talk" "You" Think
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Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times