
Another stitch in my heart



10 Years
01-22-2017, 09:43 PM
She felt a bit bad for startling him, the way his head popped to attention so suddenly it was clear that he'd been lost in thought. Likely would've been hard not to accidentally startle him so she decided to let it go, opting to appreciate this traces of a small smile she saw form on his lips which were soon mirrored in her own face. It was so easy for her to be effected by others sometimes...

At his frown when she mentioned his expression she quickly tried to amend, "Oh, don't worry, it's not always bad to have a readable expression! I find it charming in a way," She chuckled with a nervous smile, "I like it when others are honest, a face that doesn't lie suggests an honest heart in my mind." She hoped it wasn't too forward or rude to assume his upset at her reading of her expression once more. It was just so easy sometimes and she found herself commenting on what she saw without thinking. Hopefully the man wouldn't mind too much, but either way she could feel her cheeks growing warm with a bit of embarrassment at her fumbling attempts at this newly started conversation.

He introduced himself as Bass, a name that she found interesting and it seemed to suit him from what she could tell. Next he was confirming to some degree that he was indeed having some kind of trouble though she hardly expected him to volunteer his whole story and found her guess to be correct when he instead added a comment about her knowing the look. She had to laugh at that, a soft huff that sent a cloud of steam rising from her mouth in the chilly air. Sometimes she wished she could rise and disappear as the air she breathed out. Yes, she knew the look well indeed. A half-hearted smirk tugged at one corner of her mouth when she replied softly, "Ya' got me there. I know it very well indeed, I've seen it every time I take a drink for quite some time now." If only she didn't have to see herself in the water. There was a point not long after the attack when she was wandering alone and grew so sick of her own heartbroken face that she'd drink with eyes closed just to keep herself from witnessing her own pain more than she had to. Looking at the brown-marked male she had to admit she was a little curious what it was that plagued his mind and caused the aching in his heart. Perhaps she could help? Cae's blue eyes were full of interest as well as a gentle concern.

Knowing the man smelled of a pack, and the surrounding area did not she could only conclude he was wandering some distance from his home. This reminded Cae of herself so much she found it quite funny. Going for a walk till she couldn't go anymore or found herself interrupted had been something she did frequently when she first lost her loved ones that day, and even now it was such a habit she had a hard time doing anything else in response to stress or pain. Tilting her head she said, "You know, if you do too much walking all you end up with is sore paws. Trust me, I have experience in these areas. Sore paws, and the things bothering you follow you." She really needed to stop just letting her words go unfiltered... Normally she might begin by commenting on him being part of a pack, discussing it for a while, and somehow naturally arrive at this point after a while. Lately though she just didn't feel like going through the lengthy pleasantries and excessive politeness to arrive at what she actually wanted to talk about. It wasn't her normal way of doing things but she supposed it didn't bother her too much. If he took offense she'd gladly apologize of course, but otherwise speaking her mind as things came to it seemed to be the way she was going.