
Edelweiss Frei


01-22-2017, 10:26 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Saiph
Age: 25 years

Character's Name: Edelweiss Frei
Character Age: 2 years
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 25 inches
Build: Small: light
Appearance Description: Named after the soft, delicate, and small white flowers that litter the European landscape, the girl surely grew into her name. Her fur is silky soft to touch and she is also more so on the smaller end - even for a female Frei. Her fur is also a tad bit longer than the average wolf, but in all actuality it merely accentuates her femininity. Her muzzle is angular but not too much so that it is off-putting. Her eyes are of a golden hue which strikes a rather nice contrast against her cream colored fur that is stained with the Frei family russet colors around her shoulders and on her tail. Despite her minute size, her ability to fight or run isn't hindered in any form. In fact, her legs are one of her strongest parts of her body and could carry her further than most wolves if she so chose to. Her muscling when compared to her size, though feminine, is rather exceptional too. Scent wise, she smells of a combination of lily, jasmine, rose, and lilac with fruity undertones.
Skills: Healing & Navigation

Proof of Purchases: ummm n/a?
NEW MEMBERS ONLY!: Small Companion: Named Nadine: Female Swift Fox. 12 inches tall.