



3 Years
Extra large
01-23-2017, 06:33 PM

Raesa was deep in her own thoughts. It would be best to prepare for a venture such as this one. The cavern called to her, and the stale air flowing from it's depths spoke of something grand and convoluted. Both she and Bodolf startled when a voice broke in on their quite consideration. Gasping, Ræsa spun, only to lose her breath upon seeing the intruder. It can't be... she thought. It took her a moment but surely no one could pass for such a close copy of her sister. "Naudir?" Her voice was weak at first, then stronger. "Naudir! Gods, it's good to see you!" Ræsa rushed forward, Bo scrambling in her wake. It had been a long time since she'd seen her sibling, longer than she had kept track of anyways, suffice to say winter had been a hard and lonely season.

Ræ turned to Bodolf and found him reserved yet looking excitedly between the two siblings. He knew that his companion had long awaited the moment she would reunite with her kin. As he expected, Ræsa pressed on. "Where are the others? Are they close by?" She did not know what had transpired in the past few moons, other than that things had been difficult after Yfir drifted apart. She had done her best to keep in touch, but as she aged her horizons had begun to grow. It was difficult to stay in one place, but harder yet to be away from her loved ones. Surely her siblings had to be close, and what of their mother? Was there any word from their father? There was much she wanted to ask her sister but this did not seem like the time. No, she was much more eager to press her snout into her sister's ruff and refamiliarize herself with her scent. It had been far too long... 
"Talk" "You" Think