
Like a mantle piece



9 Years
01-24-2017, 10:17 PM

Xephyris watched with calculating eyes as Riv grabbed the woman by her scruff, shoving her into the ground after she had spoken. So, it seemed he was okay with whatever consequence came her way. Then so be it. He wasn't going to fool around and give second chances, not for something like this, for someone who openly admitted to betrayal and reveling in it. He wasn't going to let her hurt his daughters any more, nor was she going to have the chance to hurt anyone else. When the younger man stepped back from Limno, Xephyris looked to him, ears twitching as he heard Riv's words. Solemnly, he nodded, before fixing his cold gaze back on the treacherous woman. He wasn't wasting any more time. She had said what she'd needed to, he'd said what he wanted. It was over.

The Alpha lunged forward, tilting his head to the side as his jaws parted wide, allowing him to grip the lower part of her cheek. His claws dug into the ground as he dragged her in closer to him, feeling her struggle against him. But he could feel it; she was weak and frail, her body drained from hunger. There would be no honor in this killing. It wasn't a fair fight, but this was an issue far beyond that. He forced down the flickers of remorse clawing at his insides, continuing as swiftly as possible, wanting to end this quickly. He reared up, forepaws lifting to wrap around her neck, his hind legs uncoiling so that he could ram his chest against the front of her shoulder blade, pressing his full weight against her so that she collapsed to the ground. His jaws released their hold only so that he could gain a more deadly grip. As his teeth found a hold around her throat, he could feel hers puncturing the side of his face in one last attempt to fight him off. It was a futile move, as soon enough her grip on his face subsided and the strength left her body. Xephyris held tight until he felt her heartbeat stop.

He released his hold and turned away from her, now feeling the sting of the punctures on his cheek as he looked to Riv. He took a deep breath before he spoke. "Let's move her away from here, before anyone sees," and by anyone, he really meant his daughters - he would hate for them to witness this, "I'll accompany you... is there a place you want to lay her to rest?" He hated her for her betrayal, but even so, he couldn't just leave her out to rot, for the scavengers to pick at.

OOC: Full permission from Riv to PP and kill off Limno

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]