
Like a mantle piece



6 Years

01-24-2017, 11:34 PM

She had been making her way to the borders to patrol them when the sharp scent of blood hit her nose. Freezing, Jaelle’s head shot up towards the border as fear pulsed in her heart. She knew that smell, it was Limno. Not too long after the scent of Xeph’s blood followed. With true panic in her mind she booked it up the slope, her bells ringing loudly and giving her away. Reaching the top she skid to a stop, eyes wide as she looked at the fallen brown woman. There was blood pouring from her neck, a wound on the silver man’s cheek. Panting, she looked between the two with a look of complete shock. She knew that he was angry for what the woman had done to him and his kids, but to kill over it? Of course she hadn’t been here before, she hadn’t known what had been said. Still though, she felt… conflicted. To take her life just because she had caused pain didn’t sit right with the gypsy. In her panic she had missed Xephyris’ words to move the body, but her wide blue and brown eyes found their way to Riv. Had he been a part of this? There was no wounds on him, but it was possible to get out of a battle without any wounds. Right? She wasn’t sure, but she did know one thing; she had no idea what to say or how to feel.

Jae’s ears pinned back to her head and she took a few steps back, not knowing if she wanted to say anything to her silver knight. Her heart twisted tightly in her chest, it was obvious that Limno was skinny and underfed. She had no doubt that it was easy to overpower her. So why kill her? What did he get out of this? Choking on anything she even thought of saying, she just shook her head and started to walk away. She needed to think, and she couldn’t do it here. He could follow her if he wanted, but he probably wanted to move her body away so that the girls wouldn’t see it. But had they been close enough to smell her as well? Shuddering, her body convulsed at the thought as she picked up the pace, her bells silent this time as she made her way out of Vyper territory.


Art by Pimsri

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.