



06-23-2013, 10:20 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As her friend rose to his paws, Mercianne backed away a few small steps to give him some room, though it didn't quite seem enough. He stood and shook, ridding his dark pelt of the clinging snows that he had accumulated from his tumble, only to send that same snow over in Merci's direction. The timid, creamy white wolf tucked her ears and head slightly while closing her dark brown eyes as the snow fluttered her way, feeling the flakes and clumps settle along her shoulders, neck, and head. Tentatively she opened her eyes and chuckled at the silliness of it all, shaking her front half gently to get it off and lifting a paw to wipe what remained off of her muzzle.

Finally free of the snows, she was nearly sent tumbling into it herself when the winds suddenly picked up, driving past both her and Awaken with a startling force. She ducked, hunkering down slightly so as to give herself better purchase upon the ground and snows there so that she didn't get knocked sideways by a random gust. Thankfully Awaken stood out starkly, his dark coat like a beacon in the wind and snow. Where did this come from? she wondered, but didn't bother saying so allowed. Even at close range, she doubted the male wolf would hear her confusion the first time she spoke it anyway.

Before she could formulate a plan for them herself, Awaken was already in action, drawing his large frame to her side to provide protection and support from the sudden wind storm. She stepped in close, her side brushing his as she settled there, comforted to have him near and to know he already had some sort of plan for them. He spoke to her above the din of the gusts, his voice naturally louder than her own would have been, and nodding her head quickly Mercianne moved to keep pace at his side, still pressing against him so that they didn't become separated in the short space they needed to walk to the tree. Small as the trek was, the weather appeared to be entirely unpredictable and there was still every possibility the flurries could become so bad that separation was still an option.

She didn't relax until they had begun to pass beneath the long branches of the tree, feeling their vine-like tendrils skim across her back and sides as she slipped inside their cover. A small shiver passed through her frame as her steps slowed, angling her head upward to peer at Awaken with another timid expression. "Thanks," she stated with a half smile.