
I just wanna break this crown

Rœkia T


4 Years
01-25-2017, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2017, 09:26 PM by Rœkia T.)

Rœkia's grin never left her maw, it rested across her face calm and steady like the surface of a lake.  A lake hiding a deep and chilling darkness that the woman mostly kept to herself.  The stranger's smile would drop and even then hers would remain but her limbs would coil ever so lightly as she picked up a shift in the others mood.  My, my was someone touchy?  Wolf flew up from the floor and into the rafters.  Rœkia's tail would level out with her spine, an acknowledgement to her companions message as her garnet eyes flitted about the woman's frame.  She stated she didn't have a use for jars.  "Ah, well that's good. More for me. I have... recipes in need of storage."  The atmosphere grew heavier but still Rœkia remained where she was, leaning carefully against the doorframe, her supple frame primed to move.

"Well, there wasn't."

Everything exploded into motion.  The stranger charged for Rœkia but with the simple act of bending her limbs the smaller femme ducked down sharply, the stranger's jaws snapping over nothing but air.  In a flash, Rœkia's nimble frame twisted in a complete 180 as she sought to get away from her attacker.  She was no slouch in the battle department but she was a loner.  Even minor injuries to the wrong location could make her ineffective at hunting and lead to starvation.  She had no desire to risk a fight when it wasn't needed and was fairly certain she could outrun and out-maneuver this woman.  

She sensed Wolf soaring above her as she twisted around one corner and then another, until she broke free from the ship and out into the open.  She kept running, trusting her companion to let her know if there was a precise moment she might need to turn around and bare her fangs.


"Talk" Wolf Think