
Roots - Or a lack thereof



7 Years
Extra large
01-25-2017, 11:58 PM
When she heard the other wolf making their way up the tree she silently cursed herself for not checking the area carefully before settling into a resting place. Her damn paws were so sore from evading Velia all day she'd been too eager to find somewhere to settle down for a while. It was a foolish error on her part, but she wouldn't let this situation get out of her control. I have the high ground after all, she thought with a slight smirk that traced it's way up one side of her mouth, just barely visible. Eyes having been firmly shut, she would begrudgingly open one amber orb halfway to gaze down at the male who spoke to her in a thick accent. Something something, lightning, something. She'd be damned if he was moving her anytime soon. This was Mara's spot. Safety? Such a novel idea. It disgusted her.

Yawning loudly in an exaggerated way, as if already bored with his antics - which wasn't all that far from the truth - she would take in the sight of this male with her single open eye. Crimson eyes stared back at her, surrounded by the form of a dark pelted man with crimson and cream markings. She supposed he wasn't exactly an eyesore, a thought that made her grin with amusement. stretching her front legs slowly but not bothering to rise higher than a laying position she rested her chin on the tree limb and continued gazing at him while mentally considering different ways to descend on the brute if he showed any indication of desiring a fight. Opening the other eye and flicking her scraggly half-tail she muttered, "What's life without a little thrill, hm? I give about as much of a fuck about lighting as it does me." She scoffed t the very idea of bothering to move herself from the supposed threat. It wasn't bravery that held her steady in the face of natural dangers, but rather a lack of desire to move from harms way unless she absolutely had to. Besides, the dangerous games in life were more fun. If Mara was going to play she'd better get one hell of an experience to make it worthwhile.

Eyeing him for a moment, amber eyes fixed on this new interrupter with barely maintained curiosity, Mara debated becoming the aggressor. Would this man become irritating enough to warrant her satisfying her desire for a good fight? Only time would tell. Deciding she'd continue the conversation at least for a while to see where things went she added, "Besides, I'm not the only one here now. Perhaps lighting is not as frightening as some make it out to be? Does death by the elements not frighten you? Most would rather go down fighting...
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Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.