

Kane I


Dire wolf
01-27-2017, 02:38 AM

Coal black child seemed to disappear in the night, which is precisely why the young man chose to venture out under the cloak of it. His blue eyes were a deep purple during their transition to red, and my did those big orbs shimmer like amethysts in the moonlight. He'd discovered early that the moon was his friend, favoring it's company over the sun that heated his coat to unbearable temperatures around mid-day. He never had quite as much fun as his other siblings, though it wasn't because he was not curious about the world around them. In fact, it was very much the opposite.

You see, it was his curiosity that led him out here without the company of an adult or someone else that could protect him. The pup knew better than to venture out too far, so he stayed within pack borders but still.. something felt taboo about leaving mom's ever watchful eyesight during the middle of the night.

Indecisive paws moved back and forth with no real direction as he searched for the scent of something interesting, flaring nostrils glued to the grass of the valley. He'd stop every now and then when he'd caught the familiar scent of a rabbit, something he'd been longing to catch for quite some time now. Without anyone else to give away his presence or the sun to slow him down, he took advantage of the lonely night and found himself a warren.

Rather than digging into the warren and chasing down a rabbit, the little tyke discreetly settled down in taller grass and let his stillness hide him, watchful eyes peering over at the warren. He remained as focused as a child could, his eyes wandering to the sky more often than not, but finally one of the rabbits showed their face and began scavenging the grass for any clovers that the rest of the rabbits hadn't chewed up. Kane took his chance, acting fast and barreling toward the rodent with clumsy paws. The rabbit quickly outran him and made it's way back into it's warren before Kane had the chance to snatch it up, but already the young boy was thinking of ways he might be able to approach the rabbit with more stealth on another night.