
Leave the party



9 Years
Athena I
01-28-2017, 10:43 PM

Leo just nodded simply with understanding as the younger man explained that he had met Roza in the hot springs while trying to figure out if Fiori still had claim on those lands or not. He knew it took quite a while for the pack's scent to completely fade from that area so that was completely understandable. He always hoped that his children would only meet kind souls while they were out on their own in the world so it made him happy to see that one of the friends Roza had made on her adventures seemed to be just that kind of wolf.

However, as Ganta began to describe the pack he wished to create and how Roza played into his plans, his eyes clearly showed his surprise and perhaps even a bit of uncertainty. He had been just as idealistic and hopeful once upon a time. Back before time and life events had begun to wear on him. Svetlana's disappearance, raising four children, taking care of a pack, fighting in a challenge... it had all taught him to have a much more realistic view of the world. He could see how young and nervous this boy was, but he couldn't tell how much of that was just from talking to Roza's father. He could tell Ganta really cared about Roza which was probably the only thing keeping him from dismissing Ganta's unspoken request altogether.

He was quiet for a moment when Ganta stopped speaking, taking in the pale, long-haired wolf next to him for a second. "Roza is such a gentle soul. Out of all of my children, she is the one that I've had the hardest time letting go of. Her brothers and her sister all took at least a little interest in fighting and I'm fairly confident that they could protect themselves. Roza is such a free spirit and she wouldn't hurt a fly." His ears flicked while he tried to keep from making himself emotional. "I'm sure you know all of that. At least I hope you do." He sighed softly and pulled a small smile onto his lips. "I've never tried to stop my children from living their lives. I've always told myself once they were grown, if they wanted to leave Fiori for whatever reason I wouldn't get in their way. So if Roza wants to join your pack if you do get it off the ground then she is more than free to do so."

"Talk" "You" Think