



06-24-2013, 06:13 AM

Oh and all those things you dreamed of

the visions that you saw

Well the time is drawing near now,

It's yours to claim it all:


Better late than never, Cross came crashing through the bush after his mother. It wasn't that he lacked the energy to keep up with her, it was just that there was so much to see. How could he possibly take it? He'd wanted to explore every hill and hollow they'd passed on the way into the south. He'd wanted to follow every stream, climb every fallen tree, and gaze at every inch of sky. There was so much here in the south. Even in it's winter when the weird shaped trees became bear (and that in and of itself was new)

And here the far south, there was much that was still green and alive. It was amazing! Glaciem, in his mind, still had the grander, more breathtaking sights, but all of this was new and so, to the pup's eyes, had a special magic to it.

He had only just caught up with his mom, when a new wolf appeared. Was this the Seracian King that he'd been told about. Must've been, he answered their call and he had the posture of an Alpha. He didn't look at all like Cross's Uncle Gargie though. The boy's nose twisted sideways as he observed thoughtfully. For one thing, this male was smaller - about the same height as his mother, and he was alot less scary looking than his uncle. His eyes were pretty cool though. Could Cross have purple eyes when he grew up?

Most pups, when greeted by a new wolf in a new land, probably would've seemed a bit shy, perhaps even have taken a step back to stand nearer their mother, but Cross remained where he was, head craned way back so that he could see what was going on. He was rather relaxed, even when he got spoken about.

"Who's this?" the strange male asked.

"I'm Cross," supplied the pup with in his squeakish voice. Then, remembering what his mother had told him, he made a bow with his head - a rather exaggerated one (he nearly fell over forwards). "I'm a Glaciem Brave." he added, when he'd straightened up, and he threw out his tiny yellow chest for good measure.

It was then that he really noticed the bird - was that-? "Is that an EAGLE?" he gasped. There were lots of them up north, but Cross had never seen one this close! Was it a pet? Or a companion? He stared, bright-eyed and open-mouthed, his little haunches flopped out on the floor.


Son of Man, look to the skies

Lift your spirit, set it free

One day you'll walk tall with pride

Son of Man a man in time You'll be