
Angel by the wings



6 Years

01-29-2017, 01:52 PM

Letting out another carefree laughter, her tail lowered as it floated in the warm water below her. Goat paced around the pool as she lifted her head, eying the large lake again. She really wanted to find how this water was so warm, never before had she felt water this temperature before. While she was searching her brown and blue eyes landed on the bright orange form of another wolf. He seemed to be inspecting her, and her head tilted to the side with a smile. "It's rude to stare, you know!" She called in a teasing voice, glancing down to see that the stoat was looking up as well to see who was there. He was still soaking wet, pulling some of the last clumps of white fur off his now brown body. Stepping out of the pool, she avoided the weasel as she shook out her own fur. She couldn't quite pick up the scent of the stranger, the wind wasn't exactly in her favor at this time. Looking between him and the larger hot spring, she wondered if he knew anything about it. It wasn't exactly the best way to lead a conversation though, so she bit her tongue as she took a few steps towards him.

Giving him room, the bell-clad woman took a seat a few feet away from him. He had one white ear and one paw, both on the same side. Interesting. Her markings weren't exactly symmetrical, and she had always liked the look of being the odd one out. She felt Goat at her side, but didn't bother looking down. He was probably glaring and being the grump that he was, she couldn't be bothered by his sour attitude. "I'm Jaelle, Strange-Man-Who-Stares-At-Woman," she named him with a laugh, her carefree features letting him know that she was only pulling his leg. She was used to others staring at her, it happened when she was draped in objects that a lot of them had never seen before. It was such an odd thought to her, she wasn't even the most decorated in the troupe! She did have plans to gather more, but she hadn't found anything good since she had gotten here. That... and she did get distracted a few times.


Art by Pimsri

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.