
Spring Greetings



9 Years
Athena I
01-29-2017, 07:48 PM

ooc: If Lionel, Ara, Epiphron, Diana, or Faelyn want to jump in late they can.

Heather arrived first, making him smile slightly as she nudged his shoulder. He was glad to see that she was starting off her first meeting as the princess on a good note. Being first to meetings certainly didn't make or break anything, but it was a good sign all the same. Jackson came in next and he smiled to his nephew, surprise coloring his face when Jackson dropped the rabbits at his feet and explained that they were for Bright Moon and Quelt's children. The kind gesture warmed his heart and he looked to his nephew gratefully. "Thank you, Jackson, that very kind of you."

The blue-marked girl that Razor had taken in and Archelaus arrived next, followed by Bluemoon. He frowned a little when the pup flopped down apart from the group, his ears flicking. He didn't expect the children to be chipper by any means, but it saddened him to see Bluemoon so distant. He saw Gentle Night come to the meeting and say something to Bluemoon, glad to see the siblings together. He hopped up then, picking up the rabbits that Jackson had hunted, and carried them over to the pair. Luckily by the time he got over to them Autumn Night had arrived and settled on the other side of Bluemoon. He placed the rabbits in front of the pups with a kind smile. "Jackson brought these for you. You can eat them now if you want, I won't mind. Or you can take them back with you, whichever you'd like."

With that he went back to where he had been sitting before to see who all he had missed coming in. He spotted Amarant and gave him a small nod, glad to see that his half-brother was making himself at home here. Razor had joined Sabriel and Ryka had joined them as well. He watched Amalia walk toward the clearing, concern crossing his face. Her little half-smile was just about equivalent to anyone else looking crushed. If Amalia wasn't bubbling and playing tricks on him then something was very much wrong. He returned her small smile, knowing that all of this was just as hard on her as it was any of them if not more so. Luckily he saw Athena join Amalia moments later. At least Athena was there with her.

He glanced over to see Tiburtius sitting next to his brother and then he saw Roza come in, looking a bit nervous for some reason. He looked at his spotted daughter curiously, his chat with Ganta coming to mind. He kept waiting to see if she would come to him about it, but so far she hadn't. That was a conversation for another time though since he needed to get this meeting on the road soon. Jayne joined her mothers, but he didn't see Diana anywhere. Alfred joined them next and his gaze lingered on the fox at his side for a moment. His companion had been at the last meeting, but in the flurry of activity he hadn't had a chance to really address it. He didn't suppose he would really have time to do so today either, but he was glad that Alfred had made a friend of sorts... Even if it did remind him of Svetlana.

Vitus came in with Carletta in tow and his brows immediately pulled together with concern when he saw that Carletta seemed to be hurting. His ears flicked and he wanted to go to her to make sure she was okay, but she didn't seem to be outwardly hurt and Vitus was helping her for the moment. As soon as the meeting was over he would make sure Amalia checked on her. He tried to catch Carletta's gaze through the crowd, giving her a questioning look as if to ask if she was okay. Most of the pack was here now, but there were still a few missing. Lionel and his mother were the two he was the most concerned about, but there was also Ara, Faelyn, and Diana not in attendance. He tried to wait a few more moments to see if they would appear, but it seemed like this was all that would be here today. It was very unlike Lionel to be absent so he would have to go check on him when this was all said and done.

Clearing his throat, he lifted his gaze to look out over the pack. "Hello again, everyone. Thank you for coming. There is a lot to cover today so please pay attention. First of all, I'm sure most of you have heard about the bear attack that happened over by the falls by now. I am deeply saddened by the loss of Bright Moon and Quelt, as I know many of you are." He paused for a moment, giving their parted friends a moment of remembrance. "Lionel and Tiburtius helped to fight off the bear and made sure it left our pack lands so thank you to both of them. There hasn't been any sign of the bear since then, but please be cautious when you are near the border of the falls. If you see the bear, or any other predator or trespasser in our lands, do not try to fight it on your own. Call for help." He considered asking everyone to help look after Bright Moon and Quelt's children, but he didn't think the pups wanted all the attention right now. Besides, he was confident that everyone would do that without him having to ask.

"I'm happy to say that there is only happy news to share now. We have quite a few promotions and new rankings to announce. My children turned two years old this season and will be stepping into their new roles. Lionel has agreed to be my Archduke and Heather will now be my heir as Princess. There is a long road of training ahead of the both of them, but I have all the confidence in them both." He glanced toward Heather with a smile before he went on. "Since our last meeting my half-brother Amarant has joined the pack. Please make him feel welcome here." He nodded to Amarant, giving him a slight smile as well.

"We still have three higher ranks to fill. The Grand Duke, the Duke, and the Baron. I want to offer the Baron rank to Jackson if you'll accept. You have been so incredibly diligent with your hunting over the winter months. You have more than earned this rank." He felt like it was only fitting to give the rank to his nephew after he showed up to the meeting with food for the pups. He waited to see if Jackson would accept his offer or not before he moved on. "I think now more than ever we need someone to fill the Duke rank. Carletta, if you would, I think you would be great as our Dutchess." He knew he was springing this on her and it was sure to be a surprise, but he knew that she had a big heart for pups just like he did so he was positive she could handle it. "I'll meet with you later to explain it more, okay?" He knew with the language barrier he would need to explain a bit more in detail what being the Dutchess meant, but he didn't mind spending more time with her at all.

"There is one more order of business to take care of. I met with Karabela from the Ivory Ridge pack again recently and we are definitely still moving forward with the plans for our joint pack hunt and herb gathering. If anyone has any other ideas for what we can do during our gathering with Ivory Ridge please feel free to let me know! I'm hoping this can be a fun and productive meeting for both of our packs. Jackson and Amalia, I'd like to meet with the both of you sometime before the gathering to discuss what sorts of prey and herbs we need or want." He paused to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything before he said, "If anyone has any questions or anything they want to say to the pack before we leave go ahead. If not then you're all free to go."

"Talk" "You" Think