
Spring Greetings



5 Years
01-29-2017, 09:31 PM

Jackson was patient as he waited for the rest of the pack to show. Wagging his tail at everyone in a quiet greeting as they arrived. He made sure to watch where Leo took the rabbits, since he had never met those pups before he wanted to see what they looked like so that he would be sure to try and interact with them when he seen them. He would be sure to continue providing meals for them and if they desired, to teach them how to hunt. His bi colored eyes took in the three pups, looking at their emotions on their faces and feeling horrible for what had happened. He knew what it felt like when he found out of his mother's death, but to loose both parents at once. He wasn't sure if the pups saw the scene of their parents mangled bodies.

Looking away the male took in a deep breath and tried to distract himself. He went back to watching everyone file in and take their seats. When Leo went back to his perch Jackson straightened up and waited patiently for the meeting to start. Leo gave a few more minutes before he started the meeting. Listening carefully Leo started off about the bad news of the two fallen pack members. Dropping his head during the moment of silence in respect to their fallen pack members. He started back into explaining about being careful around the falls in case the bear would return, hopefully it was just because the bear woke from hibernation to early and that it wouldn't return.

He went on to name the Archduke and the princess which were two of his cousins. He wagged his tail in silent congratulations to them both. He announced a new face, a half uncle that Jackson didn't know about and he looked around trying to see who it would be. He would have to meet this half uncle and find out about him. Next thing Leo spoke about took him off guard, in a good way. When Lo direction his attention to Jackson with the offer of the Baron rank. The young man couldn't help but smile with his tail wagging.

"I would be honored Uncle Leo and I promise to not let you or the pack down," he said proudly glad that he was finally making a name for himself.

He finished out, promoting another member of the pack. He went on to talk about plans with Ivory Ridge and how he would need to speak with both himself and Amelia about what would be needed for this meeting. Jackson was excited to dive head into his rank more.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

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[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]